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jeudi 3 mars 2016

3 Habits with which you destroy your metabolism everyday

Metabolism is made up from lot of chemist’s reactions which keeps us alive and allows to our body to work normal. But, some of our habits can significantly to threaten. Find out which habits are they…
You didn’t sleep enough
To function normally, on your body all it need it rest. Shortage of sleep can cause a lot of issues, as slow expenditure on calories, destroying of hormone level in the organism. Also, if you sleep less than 7 to 9 hours a day, your body will process sugar more difficulty, but also it will raise felling for food.  Several nights without sleeping won’t harm you, but if that be one of your habits then you can expect big problems.

Start your day dehydrated
Dehydration is shock for organism; she can appear right after you wake up. During the night out metabolic functions are slowing down and you’re not entering water in those 8 hours while you sleep. Because of this our body is waking up dehydrated and it needs morning refreshing. To deal with this situation, right after you wake up you need to drink 30-50 ml water. This routine will give you more energy, will reduce felling for food and will stop flatulence. Also, avid to drink a lot of coffee because that also can cause dehydration.
Sitting too long
After 8 hours’ sleep, most of you are transferring from bed to chair and work 8 more hours or more. This habit is silent killer on metabolism, because our body is not created for this kind of routine. To long sitting is slowing down the circulation, but also whole metabolism, and because of this can cause indigestion, flatulence and keeping water in body. When you’re at work, try to get pause on each hour for few minutes on the way you can walk through hall, or you’ll stretch or make some exercises.

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